First Pattern Launched!

Written by  in category 
October 5, 2017
Just A L'il Romance Fingerless Gloves

Just in time for the chilly months and upcoming holidays, my first pattern, Just A Li’l Romance Fingerless Gloves, is now available for download on Ravelry.

Designed in Muench Yarns’ Touch Me, a luscious worsted weight chenille, these little mitts are toasty elegance. The Trendsetter Zoe* adds just the right amount of bling. They’ll be a quick knit for anyone familiar with the basics of glove knitting, making them a great project for gifts. A glossary and links to web tutorials are included in the pattern in case there are one or two techniques you need to brush up on.

Just A L'il Romance Fingerless Gloves

Just A L’il Romance Fingerless Gloves Photo credit: D. Pritchett © 2017

As a thank you to the faithful, the pattern with be available to Journey’s Thread subscribers at a 50% discount until November 19,  2017 (my birthday).

Getting these babies to market has been quite the journey!! I’ve learned a lot about the process of developing patterns, communicating with test knitters and balancing the value of conflicting opinions against sticking to my guns when necessary. Mostly, I’ve learned that what’s worth doing once is worth doing at least three more times!! So many lessons from such tiny mitts.  But I’m happy with the finished product, and I hope you’ll enjoy!

Happy knitting!

*Sadly, Trendsetter’s Zoe has been discontinued, but I kept it in the pattern because, as of publication, it seems readily available from many online vendors.

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